Quotes from Dr. Benefiel
"Our world of scandals desperately needs leaders with soul."
"Organizations, like individuals, have souls that transcend and support their practical activity. . . [T]hat soul is manifest in the quality of care in personal relationships among the organization's staff and stakeholders. It's not blind or divorced from bottom-line concerns but rather energizes individual and corporate activity toward those concerns."
"When companies nurture a commitment to spiritual reflection and help create a spiritual community, the workplace becomes more energized, more productive and more profitable. Soulful mission statements are only the beginning."
"When yearnings for personal development are given space at work, leaders make better decisions and the office becomes a better place to work for everyone in the organization."
"Maintaining a reflective inner disposition, patiently seeking underlying issues, gathering information, approaching a decision with reflection and prayer, and testing a decision by its fruits all help keep a leader operating on all four cylinders."