- "Leading from Within: Spirituality and Leadership." Intensive course offered at Andover Newton Theological School. Newton Centre, MA. Margaret Benefiel. 2-8 January.
- “Day of Discernment.” Andover Newton Theological School. Newton Centre, MA. Margaret Benefiel. 3 December.
- "Grounded in God." Seminar for students. Friends Theological College. Kaimosi, Kenya. Margaret Benefiel. 24-25 September.
- "The Soul of Leadership." Seminar for faculty and staff. Friends Theological College. Kaimosi, Kenya. Margaret Benefiel. 22-25 September.
- "The Soul of Leadership." All Hallows College. ALBA short course. Dublin, Ireland. Margaret Benefiel. 30 June -4 July.
- "Prayer." Presentation and discussion sponsored by Bournville Friends Meeting and Woodbrooke Quaker Study Centre. Birmingham, England. Margaret Benefiel. 8 June.
- "Grounded in God." Weekend course offered at Woodbrooke Quaker Study Centre. Birmingham, England. Margaret Benefiel. 6-8 June.
- "Leading from Within: Spirituality and Leadership." Summer course offered at Andover Newton Theological School. Newton Centre, MA. Margaret Benefiel. One required in-person day (June 16th), two optional in-person days, remainder of course online. May 27-July 4.
- "The Soul’s Journey into God: A Pilgrimage with the Franciscan Mystics.” Assisi, Italy. Margaret Benefiel and Carole Spencer. May 27 - June 5. Pilgrimage.
- "Taste and See." Bethany House of Prayer, Arlington, MA. Margaret Benefiel and Susie Allen. 10 May. Participants in this event may earn Sabbath Hours from Andover Newton Theological School in recognition of their continuing education. Workshop.
- "Marketing with Soul: Is it Possible?" Quakers United in Publishing annual conference. Woolman Hill Conference Center, Deerfield, MA. Margaret Benefiel. 3 May. Workshop.
- "Breaking the Cycle of Violence." Haitian Women's Initiative. Dorchester, MA. Margaret Benefiel. 24 April. Presentation and discussion.
- "Taste and See." Rolling Ridge Retreat Center, North Andover, MA. Margaret Benefiel and Susie Allen. 21 April. Participants in this event may earn Sabbath Hours from Andover Newton Theological School in recognition of their continuing education. Workshop.
- “Day of Discernment.” Andover Newton Theological School. Newton Centre, MA. Margaret Benefiel. 29 March.
- "The Soul of a Leader." Haitian Women's Initiative. Dorchester, MA. Margaret Benefiel. 27 February. Presentation.
- “The Soul of Leadership 'Mini': Transforming the Organization's Soul.” Margaret Benefiel and Susie Allen. 10-week program beginning February 7. Two in-person days at Bethany House of Prayer in Arlington, MA (February 7 and April 22), with three small group meetings and online work in between. Participants in this event may earn Sabbath Hours from Andover Newton Theological School in recognition of their continuing education.
- "Seeing Things Whole: Spirituality, Congregations, and Organizations." Intensive course offered at Andover Newton Theological School. Newton Centre, MA. Margaret Benefiel. 3-9 January.
- “Contemplation and Management: Star-Crossed Lovers or Long-Term Partners?" Association for Contemplative Mind in Higher Education. Amherst, MA. Margaret Benefiel. 10 November. Presentation.
- “Soulful Leadership in the 21st Century." Guilford College Leadership Conference. Greensboro, NC. Margaret Benefiel. 8 November. Keynote address.
- “Day of Discernment.” Andover Newton Theological School. Newton Centre, MA. Margaret Benefiel. 1 November.
- "PRAXIS program." Margaret Benefiel and Perry Dougherty. 9-month program for individuals committed to integrating spirituality into their work on behalf of equality and justice, beginning in October 2013. Three retreats at Still Harbor with bi-weekly evening gatherings throughout the program. Participants in this event may earn Sabbath Hours from Andover Newton Theological School in recognition of their continuing education.
- “The Soul of Leadership 'Mini': Leading from Within.” Margaret Benefiel and Susie Allen. 10-week program beginning September 27. Two in-person days at Rolling Ridge retreat center, North Andover, MA (September 27 and December 6), with three small group meetings and online work in between. Participants in this event may earn Sabbath Hours from Andover Newton Theological School in recognition of their continuing education.
- “Continuity and Change: Assessing and Adapting in a Fast-Paced World.” All Hallows College. Dublin, Ireland. Margaret Benefiel. 8-9 July. Continuing Education Seminar.
- “Another Leg for the Stool: Mindfulness and Spirituality in Higher Education." "Changing Boundaries" conference. Dublin City University, Dublin, Ireland. Margaret Benefiel. 4-5 July. Presentation.
- “The Soul of Leadership.” All Hallows College. Dublin, Ireland. Margaret Benefiel. 1-2 July. Continuing Education Seminar.
- “Contemplative Higher Education." Friends Association for Higher Education annual conference. Malone College, Canton, OH. Margaret Benefiel. 22 June. Presentation.
- “Grounded in God: Decision–Making and Discernment in Congregations and Organizations.” Intensive Course offered at Andover Newton Theological School. Newton Centre, MA. Margaret Benefiel. 14–20 June.
- "The Soul of Leadership." Intensive Course offered at Friends Theological College. Kaimosi, Kenya. Margaret Benefiel. 3-7 June.
- "Train the Trainers." Leadership Development Workshop. Kakamega Orphans Care Centre. Kakamega, Kenya. Margaret Benefiel. 1-2 June.
- "The Soul of Leadership: Taste and See." Rolling Ridge Retreat and Conference Center. North Andover, MA. Margaret Benefiel and Susie Allen. 24 May. Day Apart for Busy People series.
- "Stepping into the Future." Rolling Ridge Retreat and Conference Center. North Andover, MA. Margaret Benefiel and Susie Allen. 23 May.
- “Leading from Within: Exploring the Soul of Leadership.” Spring Arbor University. Spring Arbor, Michigan. Margaret Benefiel. 12–17 May. Intensive Course.
- “Day of Discernment.” Andover Newton Theological School. Newton Centre, MA. Margaret Benefiel. 24 April.
- "Spirit-Led Leadership: Contemplative Leadership for the 21st Century." Carondolet Center, Saint Paul, MN. Margaret Benefiel and Michael Bischoff. 14 April. Workshop.
- "Soul at Work: Putting Values into Practice." University of San Diego. San Diego, CA. Margaret Benefiel. 15 March. Workshop.
- "The Soul of Leadership: Authentic Leadership for the 21st Century." University of San Diego. San Diego, CA. Margaret Benefiel. 14 March. Evening Talk.
- "Discernment and Change." Regis University. Denver, Colorado. Margaret Benefiel. 22 February. Day-long Workshop.
- "The Soul of Leadership." Regis University. Denver, Colorado. Margaret Benefiel. 21 February. Public Lecture.
- “Standing at the Threshold of Change.” An Croi Wisdom Learning Community. Drogheda, Ireland. Margaret Benefiel. 19 January.
- “Ethics in Supervision.” Supervisory Practice Program, All Hallows College. Dublin, Ireland. Margaret Benefiel. 17-18 January.
- “Leading from Within: Spirituality and Leadership.” Intensive Course offered at Andover Newton Theological School. Newton Centre, MA. Margaret Benefiel. 4–10 January.
- "The Soul of Leadership." Margaret Benefiel and Debora Jackson. 18–month program beginning in October 2012. Four residencies at a retreat center in the greater Boston area (October 8–11, 2012; April 8–11, 2013; October 7–10, 2013; April 7–10, 2014). Participants in this event may earn Sabbath Hours from Andover Newton Theological School in recognition of their continuing education.
- “Contemplative Higher Education: Diverse Epistemological Foundations East and West." Fourth Annual Association for Contemplative Mind in Higher Education Conference. Amherst College, Amherst, MA. Margaret Benefiel. 23 September. Lecture.
- “Immunity to Change.” Leadership Conference, Earlham School of Religion. Richmond, IN. Margaret Benefiel. 10–12 August. Workshop.
- “Continuity and Change: Assessing and Adapting in a Fast-Paced World.” All Hallows College. Dublin, Ireland. Margaret Benefiel. 16–18 July. Continuing Education Intensive Course.
- "Adapting to Change." Sli an Chroi. Dublin, Ireland. Margaret Benefiel. 12 July. Consultation.
- “Continuity and Change: Assessing and Adapting in a Fast-Paced World.” All Hallows College. Dublin, Ireland. Margaret Benefiel. 11 July. Staff Professional Development Day.
- “The Soul of Leadership.” All Hallows College. Dublin, Ireland. Margaret Benefiel. 9-10 July. Workshop.
- "Seeing Things Whole: Spirituality, Congregations, and Organizations.” Woodbrooke Quaker Study Centre. Birmingham, England. Margaret Benefiel. 10-15 June. Week–long Intensive Course.
- “Grounded in God.” Woodbrooke Quaker Study Centre. Birmingham, England. Margaret Benefiel. 8-10 June. Weekend Course.
- “Grounded in God: Decision-Making and Discernment in Congregations and Organizations.” Andover Newton Theological School. Newton Centre, MA. Margaret Benefiel. Summer Session. Intensive Course.
- “Cultivating Compassion with St. Francis and St. Clare.” Pilgrimage sponsored by Spiritual Directors International. Assisi, Italy. Margaret Benefiel and David Liedl. 22-31 May.
- “Change as Invitation: Assessing and Adapting in a Fast-Paced World.” Rolling Ridge Retreat and Conference Center. North Andover, MA. Margaret Benefiel and Susie Allen. 10 May. Day–long Retreat.
- “Supervision in Organizations.” Supervisory Practice Program, All Hallows College. Dublin, Ireland. Margaret Benefiel. 13 April.
- “Continuity and Change: Assessing and Adapting in a Fast-Paced World.” Continuing Education, All Hallows College. Dublin, Ireland. Margaret Benefiel. 11-14 April. Seminar.
- “Leading with Soul: Spirituality and Educational Leadership.” Marino Institute. Dublin, Ireland. Margaret Benefiel. 25 February. Seminar.
- “Establishing the Supervisory Relationship.” Supervisory Practice Program, All Hallows College. Dublin, Ireland. Margaret Benefiel. 23 and 24 February. Seminar.
- “Continuity and Change: Assessing and Adapting in Tough Economic Times.” Franciscan Center. Tampa, FL. Margaret Benefiel. 31 January. Staff Retreat.
- “Leading from Within: Spirituality and Leadership.” Andover Newton Theological School. Newton Centre, MA. Margaret Benefiel. 13–20 January. Intensive Course.
- “The Soul of Leadership.” Santa Clara University. Santa Clara, CA. Margaret Benefiel. 15 November. Lecture and Workshop.
- “Healing the Leader's Soul.” Rolling Ridge Retreat Center. North Andover, MA. Margaret Benefiel and Susie Allen. 19 October. Day–long Workshop.
- “Viva Examination Panel.” All Hallows College. Dublin, Ireland. Margaret Benefiel. 1-2 July. Supervisory Practice Program.
- “The Soul of Leadership.” Waterford Institute of Technology. Waterford, Ireland. Margaret Benefiel. 17 May. Seminar.
- “Discerning our Future.” Sli an Chroi. Dublin, Ireland. Margaret Benefiel. 16 May. Consultation.
- “Evaluation in Supervision.” Supervisory Practice Program, All Hallows College. Dublin, Ireland. Margaret Benefiel. 13 May. Seminar.
- “The Soul of Supervision: Wisdom's Garden.” Spiritual Directors International Annual Conference. Atlanta, GA. Margaret Benefiel and Geraldine Holton. 30 April. Workshop.
- “Leading with Soul.” International Women's Day Celebration, Lincoln School. Providence, Rhode Island. Margaret Benefiel. 8 March. Keynote Address.
- “Leading from Within: Spirituality and Leadership.” Milltown/Marino program in Spirituality and Educational Leadership, Marino Institute. Dublin, Ireland. Margaret Benefiel. 5 March.
- “Spirituality and Leadership.” Program in Applied Christian Spirituality, All Hallows College. Dublin, Ireland. Margaret Benefiel. 2 March. Lecture.
- “The Soul of Leadership.” Waterford Institute of Technology. Waterford, Ireland. Margaret Benefiel. 28 February. Public Lecture.
- “Establishing the Supervisory Relationship.” Supervisory Practice Program, All Hallows College. Dublin, Ireland. Margaret Benefiel. 25–26 February. Seminar.
- “Evaluation in Supervision.” Supervisory Practice Program, Milltown Institute. Dublin, Ireland. Margaret Benefiel. 18–19 February. Seminar.
- “Ethics in Supervision.” Supervisory Practice Program, Milltown Institute. Dublin, Ireland. Margaret Benefiel. 25–26 November. Seminar.
- “Supervision in Organizations.” Supervisory Practice Program, All Hallows College. Dublin, Ireland. Margaret Benefiel. 19–20 November. Seminar.
- “Immunity to Change.” An Croi Wisdom Learning Community. Drogheda, Ireland. Margaret Benefiel. 28 September. Workshop.
- “Evaluation in Supervision.” L'Arche Leadership Team. Dublin, Ireland. Margaret Benefiel. 27 September. Seminar.
- “The Soul of Leadership.” Ennismore: St. Dominic's Retreat Centre. Cork, Ireland. Margaret Benefiel. 25 September. Retreat.
- “Leading from Within: Spirituality & Leadership.” Woodbrooke Quaker Study Centre. Birmingham, England. Margaret Benefiel and Helen Rowlands. 13–18 June. Intensive Course.
- “The Soul of Leadership.” "Leadership Fit for Friends: An ESR Conference," Earlham School of Religion. Richmond, IN. Margaret Benefiel. 20–22 May. Keynote Address.
- “Leading from Within: Spirituality and Leadership.” Milltown/Marino program in Spirituality and Educational Leadership, Milltown Institute. Dublin, Ireland. Margaret Benefiel. 31 March.
- “Group Spiritual Direction.” An Croi Wisdom Learning Community. Drogheda, Ireland. Margaret Benefiel. 27 February. Spiritual Guidance Program.
- “Issues of Diversity and Culture in Supervision.” Milltown Institute. Margaret Benefiel. 26 February. Dublin, Ireland. Supervisory Practice Program.
- “Organizational Models in Supervision.” Milltown Institute. Dublin, Ireland. Margaret Benefiel. 25 February. Supervisory Practice Program.
- “Formation for Leadership.” L'Arche Leadership Team, L'Arche Community. Dublin, Ireland. Margaret Benefiel. 24 February. Day–long Seminar.
- “Evaluation in Supervision.” Milltown Institute. Dublin, Ireland. Margaret Benefiel. 18–19 February. Supervisory Practice Program.
- “Ethics in Supervision.” Milltown Institute. Dublin, Ireland. Margaret Benefiel. 27 November. Supervisory Practice Program.
- “Ethics in Organizational Supervision.” Milltown Institute. Dublin, Ireland. Margaret Benefiel. 26 November. Supervisory Practice Program.
- “Leading from Within: Spirituality and Leadership.” Milltown/Marino program in Spirituality and Educational Leadership, Milltown Institute. Dublin, Ireland. Margaret Benefiel. 7 March.
- “Ethics in Supervision.” Milltown Institute. Dublin, Ireland. Margaret Benefiel. 27 February. Supervisory Practice Program.
- “The Deepening Heart.” An Croi Wisdom Learning Community. Ashbourne, Ireland. Margaret Benefiel. 25 February.
- “Group Spiritual Direction.” An Croi Wisdom Learning Community. Ashbourne, Ireland. Margaret Benefiel. 23 February. Spiritual Guidance Program.
- “Giving and Receiving Feedback in Supervision.” Milltown Institute. Dublin, Ireland. Margaret Benefiel. 20 February. Supervisory Practice Program.
- “The Soul of a Leader.” Haverford College Leadership Program. Haverford, PA. Margaret Benefiel. 31 January – 1 February. Seminar.
- “Soulful Leadership.” Haverford College consultations, as Rufus Jones Visitor. Haverford, PA. Margaret Benefiel. 30 January.
- “The Soul of a Leader.” Chelmsford Library. Chelmsford, MA. Margaret Benefiel. 13 November.
- “The Soul of a Leader.” Sachem Library. Holbrook, NY. Margaret Benefiel. 10 November.
- “Destress: Spirit at Work.” Rolling Ridge Retreat Center. North Andover, MA. Margaret Benefiel and Kerry Hamilton. 8 November.
- “Leading from Within.” Franciscan Center. Tampa, FL. Margaret Benefiel. 27 October. Workshop.
- “Discernment.” An Croi Spiritual Guidance Program, Shrine of St. Joseph. Stirling, NJ. Margaret Benefiel. 17-18 October. Retreat.
- “The Soul of a Leader.” Psychjourney. Margaret Benefiel. 16 October. Radio show, hosted by Deborah Harper.
- “The Soul of a Leader.” Whidbey Institute. Clinton, WA. 1 October.
- “Writing: Deeply Contemplative, Wildly Creative.” Rolling Ridge Retreat Center. North Andover, MA. Margaret Benefiel and Steve Garnaas–Holmes. 30 September.
- “Tending the Leader's Soul.” Northeastern Europe Principals' Conference. Dublin, Ireland. Margaret Benefiel. 19 September. Plenary Address.
- “The Soul of a Leader.” Cole Harbour Public Library. Halifax, Nova Scotia. Margaret Benefiel. 11 September.
- “Empowering Relationship Spirit in Business.” Boston, MA. Margaret Benefiel and Marie Bankuti. 2 August. Workshop.
- “Being Present to Students and Colleagues: Where Faith and Practice Meet.” Friends Association of Higher Education Annual Conference, Woodbrooke Quaker Study Centre. Birmingham, England. Margaret Benefiel. 20 June. Workshop.
- “The Heart of Leadership: Leading with Spiritual Awareness.” Rolling Ridge Retreat Center. North Andover, MA. Margaret Benefiel and Larry Peacock. 6 May.
- “Listening with the Heart.” An Croi Wisdom Learning Community. Ashbourne, Ireland. Margaret Benefiel. 14 April.
- “Work, Spirituality and Religious Commitment.” Spiritual Directors International Annual Conference. Washington, DC. Margaret Benefiel and Greg Heylin. 29 March. Workshop.
- “Group Spiritual Direction.” An Croi Wisdom Learning Community. Ashbourne, Ireland. Margaret Benefiel. 23 February. Spiritual Guidance Program.
- “Evaluation in Supervision.” Milltown Institute. Dublin, Ireland. Margaret Benefiel. 21 February. Supervisory Practice Program.
- “The Discerning Heart.” An Croi Wisdom Learning Community. Ashbourne, Ireland. Margaret Benefiel. 20 February.
- “Soul at Work.” Park University. McCoy Meeting House, Parkville, MO. Margaret Benefiel. 18 January. Lecture.
- “Destress: Spirit at Work.” Rolling Ridge Retreat Center. North Andover, MA. Margaret Benefiel, Kerry Hamilton, and Debora Jackson. 2 November.
- “Listening with the Ears of the Heart.” An Croi Wisdom Learning Community. Ashbourne, Ireland. Margaret Benefiel. 6 October. Retreat Day.
- “Leading from Within.” Marino/Milltown Educational Leadership Program, Milltown Institute. Dublin, Ireland. Margaret Benefiel. 4 October.
- “Soul at Work.” Rolling Ridge Retreat Center. North Andover, MA. Margaret Benefiel and Kerry Hamilton. 21 September. Staff Training Day.
- “Helping Companies Do Good: Using Coaching to Operationalize the Mission.” Academy of Management Professional Development Workshop. Philadelphia, PA. Margaret Benefiel and Kerry Hamilton. 4 August. Workshop.
- “Group Spiritual Direction.” An Croi Wisdom Learning Community. Ashbourne, Ireland. Margaret Benefiel. 27 January. Spiritual Guidance Program.
- “Contemplation and the Creative Way.” An Croi Wisdom Learning Community. Ashbourne, Ireland. Margaret Benefiel. 25 January.
- “The Authentic Leader.” Milltown Institute. Dublin, Ireland. Margaret Benefiel. 22 January. Seminar for School Principals.
- “Listening with the Ears of the Heart.” An Croi Wisdom Learning Community. Ashbourne, Ireland. Margaret Benefiel. 20 January. Seminar.
- “Organizational Models of Supervision.” Milltown Institute. Dublin, Ireland. Margaret Benefiel. 18 January. Supervisory Practice Program.
- “A Worldly Spirituality of Nonviolence.” Rolling Ridge Retreat Center. Andover, MA. Margaret Benefiel and Judy Proctor. 16 January. Day-long Retreat.
- “Waiting in Expectant Hope: Learning to Listen to God.” Rolling Ridge Retreat Center. Andover, MA. Margaret Benefiel. 5 December. Advent Retreat Day.
- “Soul at Work: Spiritual Leadership in Organizations.” Pendle Hill. Wallingford, PA. Margaret Benefiel. 23-27 October. Short Course.
- “Spiritual Direction: A Contemplative Approach.” An Croi Wisdom Learning Community. Ashbourne, Ireland. Margaret Benefiel. 23-24 September. Spiritual Guidance Program.
- “Supervision: A Contemplative Approach.” Milltown Institute. Dublin, Ireland. Margaret Benefiel. 21-22 September. Supervisory Practice Program.
- “Discernment: Individual and Communal.” An Croi Wisdom Learning Community. Ashbourne, Ireland. Margaret Benefiel. 20 September.
- “Spiritual Discernment in Business.” “Discernment as Gracious Space" Gathering. Nashville, TN. Margaret Benefiel. 26 July. Workshop.
- “Discernment.” Faith Youth Institute, Andover Newton Theological School. Newton Center, MA. Margaret Benefiel and Lisa Söderlund. 10 July. Workshop.
- “Deepening our Roots Institutionally.” Friends Association for Higher Education Annual Conference. George School, Philadelphia, PA. Margaret Benefiel. 24 June. Workshop.
- “Soul at Work.” Supervisors’ Association of Ireland. University College, Dublin, Ireland. Margaret Benefiel. 27 May. Address.
- “Transforming the Work Environment.” Coalition for Daily Life Ministry Annual Conference. Fuller Theological Seminary, Pasadena, CA. Margaret Benefiel. 22 April. Panel.
- “Soul at Work.” Earlham School of Religion. Richmond, IN. Margaret Benefiel. 3-4 April. Willson Lectures.
- “Effective Decision-Making in Leadership.” Midwest Center for Non-Profit Leadership. University of Missouri at Kansas City, Kansas City, MO. Margaret Benefiel. 27 March. Workshop.
- “Soul at Work.” College of St. Catherine. St. Paul, MN. 17 March. Margaret Benefiel. Guest Lecture in "Spirituality and Leadership" Course.
- “Soul at Work.” Rolling Ridge Retreat Center. Andover, MA. Margaret Benefiel. 8 March. Day-long Retreat.
- “Soul at Work.” University of Massachusetts at Lowell. Lowell, MA. Margaret Benefiel. 15 February. Public Lecture in "The Last Lecture" Series.
- “Pathways to Prayer.” An Croi Wisdom Learning Community. Ashbourne, Ireland. Margaret Benefiel. 28 January.
- “Group Spiritual Direction.” An Croi Wisdom Learning Community. Ashbourne, Ireland. Margaret Benefiel. 22 January.
- “Soul at Work.” Frostburg State University, Hagerstown Center. Hagerstown, MD. Margaret Benefiel. 28 November. Workshop.
- “Soul at Work.” Shalem Institute for Spiritual Formation. Bethesda, MD. Margaret Benefiel. 18 November. Workshop for Shalem Institute Staff, Board, and Volunteers.
- “Soul at Work: How Value Systems Affect the Performance of Corporations and Non-Profit Organizations.” Conversation sponsored by Career Development Office. Haverford College, Haverford, PA. Margaret Benefiel. 16 November.
- “Values and Business: Strange Bedfellows or Natural Partners?” Bryn Mawr College. Bryn Mawr, PA. Margaret Benefiel. 16 November. Public Lecture.
- “Soul at Work.” Won Institute. Glenside, PA. Margaret Benefiel. 15 November. Workshop.
- “Soul at Work.” An Croi Wisdom Learning Community. Ashbourne, Ireland. Margaret Benefiel. 10 November. Workshop.
- “Soul at Work.” Workshop sponsored by Spiritual Directors International, Wichita Region. Heartland Meetinghouse, Wichita, KS. Margaret Benefiel. 29 October.
- “The Compassionate Way in the Workplace.” Eckerd College. St. Petersburg, FL. Margaret Benefiel. 18 October.
- “Grounded in God.” An Croi Wisdom Learning Community. Ashbourne, Ireland. Margaret Benefiel. 18 September. Seminar.
- “Soul at Work.” Ruah Spirituality Institute. The Church on the Hill, Boston, MA. Margaret Benefiel. 16 September. Seminar.
- Psychjourney Radio Interview. Margaret Benefiel. 7 September.
- “Grounded in God: Decision-making and Discernment in Organizations.” Marylhurst University. Marylhurst, OR. Margaret Benefiel. 20 August. Short Course.
- “Bring Your Soul to Work.” Spiritual City Forum. Portland, OR. Margaret Benefiel. 18 August. Luncheon Address.
- "Soul at Work." Conscious Talk Radio, KKNW. Bellevue, WA. Margaret Benefiel. 17 August. Radio Interview.
- “Adapting to Change.” Consultation. Sli an Chroi. Margaret Benefiel. July 12. Dublin, Ireland.